Ermias Ekube | Memories are we are memories

6 June – 29 June 2024

Ermias Ekube

Memories are we are memories


Against a backdrop of rigorously realistic homelife, it takes viewers a moment to notice the discrepancy between the ‘reality’ of a painting and what’s reflected in its mirror. Across more than a dozen works, parallels between mirrors and canvases – both hung on walls to be looked at, similar sizes and shapes – are reiterated; boundaries between art and life, dissolved.
Artist Profile
Ermias Ekube
Ed Cross is delighted to present Memories are we are memories, a solo exhibition of new work by Ermias Ekube. Memories are we are memories delves into the profound influence of memory on both individual and collective identities. Using mirrors as a central motif, Ekube's latest series depicts domestic scenes and obscured figures, challenging us to confront the distortion inherent in reminiscence. Against a backdrop of rigorously realistic homelife, it takes viewers a moment to notice the discrepancy between the ‘reality’ of a painting and what’s reflected in its mirror. Across more than a dozen works, parallels between mirrors and canvases – both hung on walls to be looked at, similar sizes and shapes – are reiterated; boundaries between art and life, dissolved.