Charles McGee | Time Is Now

18 May – 20 July 2024

Charles McGee

Time Is Now


“Time is Now” will explore the materiality of McGee’s career while highlighting points of tension between figuration and abstraction. Each work selected for the exhibition honors the way McGee’s practice fluctuated across narratives of representation, and his mastery of assembling patterns while deconstructing images across intimate drawings and larger than life sculptures.
Artist Profile
Charles McGee
In collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD), the inaugural exhibition at the Shepherd will be an expansive survey of Charles McGee (1924–2021), one of Detroit’s greatest artists. The exhibition, titled “Charles McGee: Time is Now” and on view May 18 to July 20, will be curated by Jova Lynne, Artistic Director of MOCAD. Charles McGee created paintings, assemblages, sculptures, public works, and a sense of community with his artwork and teaching throughout Detroit. His enduring themes chronicled the Black experience and a love of nature that span an evolution across mediums. “Time is Now” will explore the materiality of McGee’s career while highlighting points of tension between figuration and abstraction. Each work selected for the exhibition honors the way McGee’s practice fluctuated across narratives of representation, and his mastery of assembling patterns while deconstructing images across intimate drawings and larger than life sculptures. To further commemorate McGee’s impact on the art world, MOCAD and Library Street Collective will present a sister exhibition at MOCAD, titled “Kinship: The Legacy of Gallery 7,” from June 28 to September 23. Also beginning May 18, visitors to the Shepherd will have the opportunity to explore the Charles McGee Legacy Park, a permanent sculpture garden built in honor of the late artist. The three large-scale sculptures, which McGee conceptualized plans for before his passing in 2021, showcase the artist’s first figurative work in public sculpture. Anthony and JJ Curis shared: “We count ourselves among the many who were touched by Charles McGee’s life and career, his commitment to uplifting the arts in Detroit and his passion for this city. It was truly a privilege to call him our friend. We look forward to celebrating Charles’ legacy with the inaugural exhibition at the Shepherd a